Local Notes
In spite of such seemingly daunting challenges, Mark Albertini has been traveling the state of Tennessee since October to promote his campaign to oust sitting Governor Phil Bredesen. Thursday night, he made his first appearance in Fayetteville, addressing the Lincoln County Republican Party.
Over the course of approximately an hour, Mr. Albertini – who is an attorney and owner of Albertini Construction – introduced himself to those gathered, providing a brief summary of his life up to the present, before introducing his message to them.
Describing himself as feeling called to try to make a difference, he noted that the cultural and moral decline he sees in the state and nation is what first prompted him to consider his electoral run. He would later note that excessive materialism, fed by the aforementioned moral decline, is behind many of the problems Americans face with their ever growing and ever more intrusive government.
Mr. Albertini then gave a brief summary of his campaign activity and progress to date, noting that he has been able to meet with Republicans in all sections of the state and is starting to identify reliable supporters in these places. He also discussed his recent attendance at the Republican Governors Association meetings in Washington, where he was able to make contacts with several office holders and business leaders who might be able to assist his campaign.
Using the acronym LIFE to describe his platform, he noted that he intends to support Limited Government, Individual Responsibility, Faith and Family First, and Entrepreneurial opportunity. After discussing each of these campaign points, he rounded out his speech by contrasting his would-be administration with that of the incumbent Democrat Bredesen. He then used the remainder of his time to field questions and comments from the audience.
It’s no secret to anyone who follows Tennessee politics that Republicans across the state were sorely disappointed at the decision of several “leading lights” among the state’s Republicans not to run against an incumbent that many feel is vulnerable. Despite that fact, listening to Mr. Albertini one quickly perceives that he has not gotten in the race as mere “token” opposition to Governor Bredesen. He is running against the odds, to be sure. Nevertheless, he is running to win.
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